American Sniper free movies

American Sniper - 2014

U.S. Navy SEAL Chris Kyle chooses his sole assignment --protect his comrades--to center and becomes among the most lethal snipers in Western history. His nail accuracy not only saves countless lives but also makes him a prime target of insurgents. Despite grave danger and his fight to be father and a very good husband to his family back in the States, Kyle functions four tours of duty in Iraq. But when he finally returns home, he discovers he can't leave the war .


2023-04-16 10:10:29
best sniper movie since the original sniper and the fact it's about Chris Kyle a true American but it's hard to believe a fellow veteran killed a man that had that big of a heart is heartbreaking
2023-09-10 03:24:36
The part when he had to make that decision to hold off on shooting the little boy I can't imagine that kind of pressure especially when he actually threw it down because I believe I would have took the shot to save my men damn if nobody else felt him I did sometimes you have to
2023-04-29 02:45:57
Our entire world needs Jesus. No matter what he loves you and he'll forgive you. Come to Jesus. no question asked
2023-06-06 12:50:05
I don't usually cry from a movie, but dam that is just heartbreaking, what a hero, what a man, I like how it showed his human faults, even the greatest men have them......
2024-01-01 02:23:38
I know I'm commenting alot....but this really hits home for me. I lost 5 buddies over of my best friends died in my I said before. PTSD is real
2024-03-05 15:55:29
Killed on my 34th birthday, I have a friend alive and well due to CK, Hope his wife and kids r doing well after all these years, God bless all the ones who didn't make it home and the innocent people who were killed during the war!!!!
2022-11-27 08:15:49
I love this movie, it's always been one of my favorite, well done.
2024-01-01 02:06:50
PTSD is's not just a state of mind. It's what you see. I have it, but I deal with it. Yeah I have episodes every once in a while. But I have someone to lean wife