9/11: Life Under Attack free movies

9/11: Life Under Attack - 2021

A unique and compelling account of the day that changed the modern world, captured by ordinary people who chose to pick up their cameras and film that fateful day.


2022-09-23 15:47:14
this shit sad I was in six grade and didn't understand but as an adult now mannn 😨😔
2023-09-19 03:51:24
I just wish the people had some type of stairs to get off the fire. is sad how everyone got stuck they could evacuated the other building before it hit. they have time
2023-09-19 04:36:46
I would bring maks if I do ever go am be prepared in case when we visit I have mask. in case I have to help people to edvacutes
2023-09-19 01:35:36
is sad I wish I can help but cops all wjere all to get off we can't help or find out what happend
2024-01-11 07:57:36
Equip the building with parachutes for every person
2022-09-21 03:31:00
2023-04-04 17:03:13
skill issue
2024-03-20 02:28:27