Dirty Dancing free movies

Dirty Dancing - 2017

Spending the summer at a Catskills resort with her family, Frances"Baby" Houseman drops deeply in love with the camp's dancing instructor, Johnny Castle, and it's ever the same for anybody from the Houseman family. Are the songs from the movie contained, but there are other songs from the age which is going to be featured, but showcasing the amount of performances by the cast.


2023-01-20 09:59:02
I wish if her sister would listen not to get married so young because she looks gorgeous to me but her sister's so rude to not say we're never going to be sisters or not friends that is so rude because I always have a sister she's my friend anyway I love her so much as a friend b
2023-01-20 10:01:37
I mean that little just cop out of the freaking movie like I get it but the ending of it didn't match no dancing no nothing it was just nothing so I give it a negative out of one because it's not good this would have got canceled
2023-01-20 09:51:31
I never watched it before I watched the old one I still love the old one it was probably perfect but I hope I like this one
2023-01-27 12:23:35
I loved this flipping movie
2024-01-16 03:18:33
don't like what they've done to the parents part. the movies ok but not near as good as the original it does clear some things up like baby age
2022-10-30 00:59:11
drity dancing johnny and baby
2023-05-16 22:07:23
sucks so far like watching Disney movies for kids
2023-03-11 11:17:24
I liked it but not as good as the old one. gotta say though I love how they sing it