Maleficent: Mistress of Evil free movies

Maleficent: Mistress of Evil - 2019

Her goddaughter Aurora and maleficent commence to wonder the intricate family ties which bind them as they are pulled in various directions unexpected allies by nuptials, and also black fresh forces at play.


2023-11-19 07:03:35
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2022-09-25 14:13:28
This is really lovely and cute litttle couple with the little ones who kissed on the chick and i really really enjoyed this movie
2022-12-30 11:48:28
Awesome cute movie. There is only one who can ever play Maleficent. The one and only Angelina Jolie.
2023-05-20 06:35:38
I'm convinced there was magic and all of this wonderful world and humans destroyed it. it wouldn't really be all that surprising, considering how we are as it is today.
2023-07-16 01:08:46
Best movie ever with Angelina Jolie, it was definitely a good decision to cast her as Maleficent. Love this movie though
2023-07-22 12:25:43
I hope there is a maleficent 3... and I hope Disney doesn't ruin it with a bunch of lgbtq+$&#?@ bullshit
2023-08-30 11:58:13
Well, at least it's better than Mulan II. And Mulan (2020) and Pinocchio (2022) and the Lion King (2019).
2023-02-02 08:06:35
That lady could cut you with those cheek bones