The Karate Kid free movies

The Karate Kid - 1984

Hassled by the school bullies, Daniel LaRusso has his talk of teen fears. Luckily, his apartment construction houses a resident martial arts master: Kesuke Miyagi, that intends to coach Daniel... and ultimately ends up teaching him much more than self. Armed with newfound confidence, skill and wisdom, Daniel faces off against his tormentors inside this basic underdog narrative.


2022-12-31 23:53:38
ya know who would of knew that as kids they we're so hot but when there older Jhonnys son Robby is hot and later on when Daniels son is older 14 in eight grade he's hot too wow so cool 😎
2022-09-17 08:50:50
is it just me or is Johnny kinda a good guy hanging around with the wrong crowd
2022-11-28 09:15:02
2022-12-03 10:26:09
anyone else notice the kids shirt in the beginning has2 pigs and it reads making bacon
2024-01-21 04:17:49
It wasn't the crowd he was was his teacher that made them jerks. Not bad students, only bad teachers. That guy had serious issues. Ali (Elizabeth Shue) , she is hot. I had a thing for her. WHEWWWWW
2022-10-10 14:03:13
idk how to spell, (meyagae)(maeyagé) sorry I don't have on captions but please tell me how to spell it
2022-09-29 11:45:01
Yes Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
2022-12-23 23:42:22
the karate kid is the best karate movie I seen