A Boy Called Po free movies

A Boy Called Po - 2016

He is abandoned the duty of taking care of his grade child to a single working dad If David Wilson's young wife falls victim to cancer. Patrick, who prefers to be called'Po,' is really a talented but contested child who had been very close to his mum and unable to communicate his sense of loss. They each begin to draw in their own worlds as father and son struggle to manage life after mom. David into the high pressure endeavor he's close to losing and Po drifting from the school where he is chained into his enchanting dream environment, the Land of Color, where he's just a typical carefree boy with a rich cast of additional worldly companions. The growing split between father and child and parenthood of a special needs child's challenges threaten to separate David and Po . Based on a real narrative, the bonds of love between a grieving father and child are tested in the real manner in Po.

