A Quiet Place free movies

A Quiet Place - 2018

There is A household forced to live in quiet whilst hiding from creatures that hunt.


2022-10-30 10:29:04
this was an excellent movie. I had no idea what it was about but boy was it very enjoyable!!! I was on my Edge and I was like scared a couple times so yeah it did the trick for a good Halloween movie I would totally recommend it...
2023-11-13 17:31:58
Maybe watching this movie at 3:30am wasn't such a good idea. I jumped when my cat farted while taking a poop in the litter box in the other room.
2022-08-31 04:24:04
Really wanted to watch this but for some reason there weren't any subtitles for this movie, at least not for me.
2023-07-16 11:46:49
you would think that around the date of giving birth everyone would be on watch and home. Stock up on food and focused on being ready for the baby's arrival. But I guess it's business as usual, even on a special occasion with terrifying danger around.
2023-09-24 13:57:49
who gave the youngest boy the airplane with batteries in it?!? seriously.. not too mention they made noise breathing in their face n didn't hear it but they heard a picture frame fall from over a mile away. Still good character development
2023-05-02 00:34:32
me trying to be quite because it's quite and me trying to not move or make a noise
2022-11-13 08:40:08
I always wanted to watch this but my parents said it's too quiet isn't that the point
2023-03-06 19:09:32
love this movie watching while almost late for school lol...