Arcadian free movies

Arcadian - 2024

In a near future, normal life on Earth has been decimated. Paul and his two sons, Thomas and Joseph, have been living a half-life – tranquility by day and torment by night. Every night, after the sun sets, they face the unrelenting attacks of a mysterious and violent evil. One day, when Thomas doesn't return home before sundown, Paul must leave the safety of their fortified farm to find him. A nightmarish battle ensues that forces the family to execute a desperate plan to survive.


2024-04-16 15:16:30
This was heck of a movie. Nicholas Cage plays a whole different role here. He sure loves his boy's. and The Creatures are Awesome. It's slow, but it sure has a hellofa ending .
2024-04-20 08:34:14
looking at the comments it's more people that like the movie more then those who give it 2 👎🏾👎🏾so thanks everybody I'm going in to watch it another good movie to watch everybody is Tax collector awesome so if possible watch and let me know what you think peace and blessings
2024-04-19 04:26:13
So another possible horror movie franchise fixing to kick off starting with this one. It just sucks cause I don't think Nic Cage will be in part 2. Lol. I'd recommend it to people who like suspense/horror movies. I give it a 6.5.
2024-04-22 12:50:46
Descent indie monster flick. Definitely different, I'm curious to learn more about the monsters. The way they move and do things there's definitely some intelligence there.
2024-05-05 00:03:58
this movie sucked. a decade an half with monsters that have 12 feet arms and know one thought about making spears? Okay let's use knifes.. great idea... stupid and a waste of time...
2024-05-05 00:48:23
this was definitely different I don't get it I enjoyed it it was entertaining but can somebody tell me why the name of this movie is Arcadian? I'm not making a connection I could be confused I know I am confused all right well it was a good movie great job Mr cage
2024-04-17 01:17:29
I've seen the trailer and it's looks good and now I've seen it. IT'S JUST THE NUTS
2024-04-21 08:35:32
this was a good movie, a little slow and drawn out but a great storyline, just needed to be mire of what and why it happened and more of Nicholas Cage