Asphalt City free movies

Asphalt City - 2024

Young paramedic Ollie Cross is partnered with experienced medic Rutkovsky, who thrusts him into the harsh realities of New York’s inner-city streets. Amidst high crime rates, homelessness, and widespread drug use, Ollie finds his perspective on life and death beginning to shift.


2024-04-24 10:29:10
Mike Tyson was amazing and Sean Penn they were all amazing in this movie, it kinda gives you an idea what EMS goes through
2024-04-07 10:26:14
gotta give up to first responders those guys will try they're best to keep you alive. God bless them all
2024-04-22 06:01:14
very good movie I'm from Brooklyn and they did a very great job at capturing the gritty reality of the life of being a first Responder the story, acting, action all top notch
2024-04-06 12:49:04
I don't know when it's started to be cool to bring a baby To the bed while your butt naked
2024-04-23 00:45:11
Great movie. Paramedics are so valuable! No idea it was like this movie at times? Great ideafor a movie!
2024-04-06 19:26:46
I have been waiting for this app. To have the movi'm, so glad the app finally has it. Mike Tyson did incredible in this film and Sean deserves an Oscar once again for his role in this. I definitely give this movie a
2024-04-19 04:42:08
notice how all the people that aren't acting chaotic are white people
2024-04-03 15:57:20
Let's give Mike Tyson an Oscar.