Assimilate free movies

Assimilate - 2019

Three friends making a internet series realize that their acquaintances replaced and are being murdered by animals who are perfect copies of their sufferers.


2024-06-03 11:11:13
yeah,just leave the pipe on the ground it's only yourself coming after you after you just hit your boyfriend's double both of you just leave the pipe,DUMBASSES
2024-03-19 20:35:37
This girl looks like a clone of Jennifer Lawrence. There are so many ripoffs of "Invasion of body snatchers." Watch "The kids aren't all right!"
2024-06-03 10:05:28
no such movie the kids aren't alright I just tried to look up??Is it called something else?
2023-12-13 23:52:30
wow,no comments this movie rocks