Baghead free movies

Baghead - 2023

Following the death of her estranged father, Iris learns she has inherited a run-down, centuries-old pub. She travels to Berlin to identify her father’s body and meet with The Solicitor to discuss the estate. Little does she know, when the deed is signed she will become inextricably tied to an unspeakable entity that resides in the pub’s basement – Baghead – a shape-shifting creature that can transform into the dead.


2024-02-25 16:09:12
It's crazy how the most stupidest movies to me other people really like. yet when I really like a movie most people don't like it..I'm so confused 🥴
2024-02-22 15:00:30
Was a pretty good movie a bit hard to see somethings cause of lighting. But definetly will be watching when HD comes out
2024-03-21 09:39:39
when someone tells you what not to do and then u do it you deserve everything coming to you stupid ass girl doesn't listen at all
2024-02-26 20:35:30
ok,ok🤔 Can you say talk to me😉 kinda the same kinda not🤷‍♀️ n if you haven't seen Talk to me then do😘 Both good in my opinion 👏
2024-02-23 07:58:18
kinda slow in the beginning. Once it got going boy did it fly. I enjoy horror films with intriguing storyline and unintelligible twist.
2024-02-26 21:29:29
The end could have been a lil better,a chair really 🤨 I could have dreamt up something much more mind blowing than killing him with a chair 💺 💥☠️
2024-02-20 12:11:46
2024-05-04 05:06:11
I think it's one of the best horror movies I've seen in a while.Face it Hollywood's getting dumber with each horror movie but this is actually a fairly scary movie I give a 8 out of 10 ranks up with the conjuring franchise which the last one of that sucked