Bamboozled free movies

Bamboozled - 2000

TV producer Pierre Delacroix becomes frustrated when network brass reject his sitcom idea. Hoping to get fired, Delacroix pitches the worst idea he can think of: a 21st century minstrel show. The network not only airs it, but it becomes a smash hit.


2023-06-28 06:34:39
this movie will be remembered for ages to come some of us didn't get it in 2000 that's why it bombed out but trust me we will learn it's historical value tell a friend to check it out watch it with them and school themon truths in this movie Peace Out I love my people [
2023-03-13 08:11:59
he's telling us his story about his successes, his rise and fall. then his ass done got shot. but he lived to tell his story. he thought he was going to die, lying on his floor. apparently, everybody heard shots going off in his room, and somebody called 911.
2022-10-17 07:31:10
one of bamboozled most overlooked movies ever made.
2023-03-13 08:07:04
I thought this was a live action Looney tune.
2022-12-25 06:46:56
this movie is bad shit crazy and f****** funny too that is so messed up
2024-03-29 04:27:25
A poignant look at race and identity in America. Thought provoking!
2022-12-25 06:47:19
this is stupid at the end OMG my first time washing it