Buried free movies

Buried - 2010

Paul is a U.S. truck driver employed in Iraq. After an attack by several Iraqis he wakes to find he could be buried alive in a very coffin. With a mobile phone and also a milder it's a race against time to flee this amazing departure trap.


2023-03-23 19:32:52
once the top of the coffin is basically destroyed by the bombs,why not break it open the rest of the way and get up outta there?!🤨🤨
2023-06-01 15:50:50
The cops and fbi where being sus....I buttdialed them once and they traced my call
2023-07-19 21:40:39
love it but hate the ending, damn so he died fuck
2022-12-28 11:01:54
omg its so sadd