Buying Back My Daughter free movies

Buying Back My Daughter - 2023

When Dana and Curtis' 16-year-old daughter, Alicia, sneaks out of the house to attend a party, a bout with teenage rebellion quickly escalates into a widespread search party spearheaded by Dana and the police.


2023-10-14 08:03:10
whomever put a thumbs down use be a pedo or kidnapper lol because this definitely happens this way so no reason for a thumbs down. It's real life scenarios all over. The acting was not bad, the message behind this is the real reason you should be watching, not putting thumbsdown.
2023-10-15 17:43:32
This movie is absolutely an amazing movie because of the simple reasons. 1) Opens the eyes and minds of sex trafficking awareness. 2) Keeping God first every step of the way though the struggling times. 3) Always be there for your loved ones. 4) Drug addiction awareness
2023-10-16 09:56:44
A great story movie. Parents should sit down with their children and talk about the dangerous people out there. And have them to sit down and watch movies like this. My prayers go out to all the families that is experiencing this evil tragedy.
2023-10-24 05:54:16
This is another reason why the police need to be defunded, & websites like Facebook, their parent company Meta, & others need to be shut down & everyone put in prison for promoting, pandering, & protecting child molesters & child pornography!
2023-10-16 00:21:44
...putting your own children and mine in danger with your backwards ass voting and dum decisions cause they dumbed all y'all down enough to a point they don't even hide the shit no more. cause they was succesfull at executing their agenda on all you fools. sad but me too till...
2023-10-16 05:17:04
very good movie I let my daughters watch it this made me cry OMG ..I'm glad she got the help she needed this can happen to anyone I just pray it stops we love our kids why God doesn't intervene I don't known
2023-10-16 00:15:54
news for killing a black child at a day care. y'all backwards as fuck. y'all OK with the portrayal of black men as monsters despite knowing these are lies. you run into the arms of your predator and terrified of your saviors. and trust and love the most vile monster on the....
2023-10-25 11:13:22
the dad was a buster, police was ridiculous busters, the lil sister wasn't loyal to her older sister,momma was the only one I liked, her friend didn't give to damns about that dead girl that wasn't her daughter 😂, and everything bout Alicia honestly got under my skin.