Cabrini free movies

Cabrini - 2024

Italian immigrant Francesca Cabrini arrives in 1889 New York City and is greeted by disease, crime, and impoverished children. Cabrini sets off on a daring mission to convince the hostile mayor to secure housing and healthcare for society's most vulnerable. With broken English and poor health, Cabrini uses her entrepreneurial mind to build an empire of hope unlike anything the world had ever seen.


2024-03-13 00:37:22
Unfortunately, NYC politicians closed Cabrini😏. My mother had surgery there long ago. It was a beautiful and peaceful place, a peace of heaven. This is a type of movie that inspires us all in many ways. THANK YOU FOR SHARING!😔💞
2024-03-11 17:14:29
this is a great movie to watch,I really enjoyed watching this movie. Love t j enjoyed history it tells us about how she was able to make a difference in the world.
2024-03-12 13:17:58
ok well ther is a cabrini in chicago i never knew ther was a housing projects name cabrini to in new york
2024-04-07 11:38:53
unfortunately, Italians haven't really contributed much to this country except cheap labor back in the day and high carb foods
2024-05-07 12:08:21
this was an amazing movie. I'm 1/4 Italian from my maternal Grandfather or Papaw as I called him, this movie shows a bit of what his daddy dealt with and I needed to see it more than I knew. Absolutely beautiful movie
2024-03-14 22:46:38
Great movie. Never give up on your passion in helping others. Loved this movie.
2024-03-12 03:14:36
I embrace any historical film about my N.Y.C this ranks among the best
2024-03-31 16:13:19
My Dumb Azz Thought Thiz Waz About Mother Cabrini Green Projectz In Chi-Town. When I Hear Tha Name Cabrini I Think Of GDz,Stonez,Candy Mane ect.. I'll Give It A Watch Tho