Cleveland Abduction free movies

Cleveland Abduction - 2015

One mother becomes Ariel Castro kidnapping victim, also finds himself trapped in his home together with two women for 11 years.


2023-01-16 06:41:24
I am" so glad that Castro killed himself in prison, that could happen to anyone. 😔😑
2023-08-15 01:23:41
this guy was the biggest pice of shit ever ... just found out his other daughter is in prison for life for trying to kill her daughter
2023-07-31 10:38:12
As a father to a little girl this is my fear for her the wrong man she my run into sorry for those strong women live life.
2023-03-22 02:35:24
this movie is so heartbreaking I wish these girls nothing but happiness and strength will be praying for them 🙏❤️
2023-02-01 08:03:40
I'm so glad they survived wishing them nothing but the best in recovery
2023-06-10 08:00:25
am so happy there saved its a sad story I was in tears I was also mad because ppl reported yelling n all and they nothing also thank God for the ppl that helped them
2023-08-05 13:21:32
God bless the people that prey to God that they would be ok
2024-01-09 10:34:18
the guy in the store should have reported to police that she was seen with Castro. people need to do their obligations. stop being cowards!