Fist of Legend free movies

Fist of Legend - 1994

Chen Zhen, a Chinese technology student in Kyoto, that braves the insults and misuse of his Japanse fellow students because of his local love Mitsuko Yamada, daughter of the manager, yields in 1937 to his native Shangai, under Japanse protectorate -in fact military occupation- after reading about the departure of his kungfu master Hou Ting-An in a struggle against the Western champion Ryuichi Akutagawa.


2023-06-04 10:10:52
out of all of his movies this one have to be the best of all of his movies if he didn't win an academy award on this one then no one should
2022-11-03 08:19:49
I've seen all of Jet Li movies but he is the greatest master of his art of all time..
2024-03-27 21:35:07
that fight against that general, though... shit was almost 10 minutes long, and not to mention, it's probably the best fight in all of the fight movies I've seen...
2023-08-27 09:15:18
Donnie Yin also and Bruce Lee Michelle Yeoh
2023-04-10 21:50:51
jet LI is a one of the best in the Martial artist of all time love all his movies.💯
2023-02-22 06:54:02
All of Jet Li movies are great
2022-11-22 14:38:29
my brother's movie 2009
2023-01-13 17:45:41
love Jet li