Frankenstein free movies

Frankenstein - 1931

Dr Henry Frankenstein is enthusiastic about assembling a living being in portions of corpses that were several.


2023-09-14 06:19:49
Eerrr... hummn. Well. Git' dis'. I wuz' actually lookin' fo' a SPACE FERRYING CRAFT, dat' had a horrible airtime accident, DAT ALLOWED SCIENTISTS ta' create a HUMAN CYBERNETIC ORGANISM FROM TRANSITER PARTS & EVERY READY BATTERIES. "But" no dice
2023-01-16 06:05:32
I love these old Universal monster movies.
2023-10-25 16:21:48
Now we watch Bride of Frankenstein. Awesome also. I just bought a projector 📽️. BIG Screen on the wall 🧱.
2023-09-24 05:24:31
92 years old. Fantastic movie! Karloff is the best!
2024-04-21 09:01:11
which Frankenstein movie is it where he pulls the head off the woman when he meets her