Fright Night 2: New Blood free movies

Fright Night 2: New Bloodโ€‚-โ€‚2013

Gerri Dandridge is a scientist but through the night she transforms into a vampire with an unquenchable thirst for blood. When an organization of senior high school students travel abroad to study in Romaniathey find themselves ensnared within her frightening web of bliss and dread. Charlie and'Evil' Ed must stop Gerri from drinking and bathing in the bloodstream of a'moon virgin', who happens to be Charlie's ex girlfriend.


2024-02-12 12:07:45
I wonder if Tom Holland was disappointed in this movie and that's why he remade the 1st one in like 2016?? That's just from me reading the comments, I'm fixing to start the movie now and see for myself.
2022-11-30 12:48:25
Fuck Charlie, I'm out of this Demonic Area, lmfao ๐Ÿ˜†
2023-09-19 10:51:16
I am disappointed. tiddies, and screaming. is this what we've become???๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž
2023-09-23 05:33:21
why did Ed's makeup ๐Ÿ’„ change from the left side of his face to the Right???
2024-02-08 10:39:40
very bloody, not to much accion like the original. but still good movie
2024-01-04 06:39:39
great movie I really like vampires!
2023-09-09 09:12:58
you ain't kidding so I'm I
2023-08-26 06:53:55
I love this movie