Garfield free movies

Garfield - 2004

Garfield, the fat, lazy, lasagna enthusiast, has what a cat might desire. But when Jon, in an effort to revive the Liz - the vet and also an old highschool crush - adopts a dog pulls him home and called Odie, the 1 thing he doesn't desire is got by Garfield. Competition.


2022-09-05 02:01:29
This is my childhood movie
2022-12-04 09:24:37
love it animal movie like Beverly hills chihuahua vampire dog and this one
2024-04-26 17:22:11
the thing that bothers me about this show is that it made John act like he didn't like Garfield as much as Odie, and the history of John is that he loved both so much that he did everything for them both
2022-12-09 05:09:56
I love this movie beeeeeeeeeest
2023-10-03 11:33:07
another 's up cool 😎 Garfield movie surprise that it didn't last long but it's all good just like the cartoon not bad keep it coming
2023-01-25 08:02:48
this is the peak of bill Murray's career
2022-09-19 05:24:04
funny thing in woird
2023-08-20 08:51:37
mack it more realistic so it's more better but I do like it