Hatchet II free movies

Hatchet II - 2010

Marybeth escapes the clutches of the deformed killer Victor Crowley that is mythical. Marybeth returns into the Louisiana swamps along side an army of hunters to regain the bodies of her loved ones and the most bloody revenge against the butcher after learning the truth about her family's connection to the mad man.


2023-04-01 00:05:47
I like this movie but I feel sad for the other people that got murdered so here
2023-09-27 19:54:22
He's like a mixture of Jason Voorhees and Texas chainsaw massacre lol Great horror movies for sure!
2023-06-17 08:49:07
all the hatchet movies are good reminds me of a newer Jason or Halloween movie
2024-02-10 09:52:40
it was alrite watched 1&2 ©®¥™🫦
2023-04-01 01:02:16
I felt bad for Uncle Bob😭
2023-05-02 05:24:58
wait does the freak die in hatchet 3