Homefront free movies

Homefront - 2013

Phil Broker is a former DEA agent that went through a crisis after his action contrary to a biker group went horribly wrong and it cost his boss' son's life. He's recently widowed and is left using a daughter,Maddy. He retires to some little town and decides to stop the tumultuous and demanding life of delight for the fascination of Maddy. His daughter struggles a boy that had been bullying her off and this puts a round of events that end in his direct confrontation with the native Meth drug lord. His past history with all the biker group additionally enters the arena. However he's a mission in mind to protect his daughter and he is ready to pay any expenditure that it demands.


2022-08-08 06:51:49
I am so impressed with this channel ?. thank you ?. it's now a permanent channel for me. thanks again. William from Idaho ? ❀
2023-04-06 09:14:17
fun fact : The guy that plays Danny T was the president of the nortious biker gang Hells Angels and if you know who they are there's no need to explain
2023-08-15 07:16:21
very good movie. Jason Statham never disappoints. Crazy that Sylvester Stallone wrote this,it was so good. Last thing I KNEW he wrote was the original Rocky.
2024-01-27 14:02:25
a question Mr Stallone, the part at the end I hope you didn't pay James Franco for what already a part of him ,how do you get him to play this last part when it's so true to his real life. yes I believe in second chances too but you ought to be able to tell a real scumbag.
2023-07-31 12:00:47
I think it was a great πŸŽ₯ movie.. Like all of Jason Statham's movies...
2024-01-14 11:45:21
I was put in a situation like this. And I did more than put the guy down. I put him in the hospital now his whole family wants some little do they know who or what I am especially what I am. More than human and more than capable of in flickting violence. I'm just meaner [00
2023-04-27 06:52:38
lm not happy about you messing with my movie. I want to watch home front.
2023-06-10 10:48:28
this movie was tight...I luv this app