House of Chains free movies

House of Chains - 2022

It follows a troubled married couple as they imprison their six children due to their intense religious ideology.


2022-10-11 12:39:46
what the heck ,,ughh this movie had my punching the table ,the father man ugh I wanted to pop his lights out....
2022-10-15 02:13:46
Really great movie,whats sad about it is its true families are like this and we dont even know.
2023-06-27 21:28:38
wow those democrats should do have you fooled because it's not the Republicans act like that it's a Democrat he might even look into the Democrats hidden agenda
2022-10-03 11:06:32
Maybe she needs a Christian counselor
2022-10-09 14:23:35
that was a good movie
2022-10-25 13:02:51
yall it's based on a true story
2022-11-02 08:44:18
these parents act like those dumb Republicans
2022-10-12 02:38:26
amazing story