Infested free movies

Infested - 2023

Residents of a rundown French apartment building battle against an army of deadly, rapidly reproducing spiders.


2024-04-28 11:07:27
Ihate spiders butloved this movie. even tho it was in French, I watched it on my phone with the subtitles.
2024-05-01 14:58:36
throw the whole dam place away, once I've seen two of them I'm highly concerned. they breed fast. we gotta move asap. you couldnt pay me to stay. just wouldn't happen Fam
2024-05-02 00:20:07
No Cap I seen many different Scary Spider films growing up an I've Gotta Say this is the best one I've seen since Arachnophobia and kingdom of spiders. it coverd alot. I'm gonna give this a solid 9 out 10. I usually would give that high rating but no lie I enjoyed this shit..
2024-05-04 10:35:17
when my dog hears those bikes she bugs out and starts pulling home ... I hate that . my poor baby was abused and idk what they did to her but had to be with those bikes around. I love my dog 🐕 and spiders are cute we shall see how bad they're in this movie.
2024-05-12 09:30:38
i lived in a place that had giant spiders like a football 🏈 it was a desert 🏜️ place and yes the desert spiders were huge and you could literally run them over in your car and fill the bump. we got over our spider very quickly living out there.
2024-05-08 06:39:40
yo this movie has a few minor flaws with the lighting being that it's so dark but it's good and when I say scary I'm jumping over here like a lil kid 👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿🔥but all around amazing movie
2024-05-01 14:52:38
definitely riding the back of Aracnophobia. but I'll say I really enjoyed jumping at the quick fast movements or the spider
2024-05-14 12:34:00
iam literally setting in the bathroom watching this and a spider came walking out from under the hot water tank. talk about special effects !!!