Lights Out free movies

Lights Out - 2024

A drifting ex-soldier turns underground fighter with the help of a just-released ex-con, pitting him against corrupt cops and hired killers now gunning for him and all those he cares about.


2024-02-20 14:56:12
1st this is a pretty good movie. this movie kinda reminds me of the Van Damme movie Lionheart that was filmed back in 90. Now this is a much more interesting then Lionheart, this one have fire power and fighting crocked Cops. Hope you enjoy this movie. I'll give it a 7.5
2024-02-24 11:11:23
darn I was hoping duff would have banged the sister. Grillo should have been an action star a long time ago. anyhow he left the story open for a part 2. good movie
2024-02-24 15:11:59
the expression Jesus with the words fucking and word christ is NOT the expression of a godly being NOR God 's New Heaven on Earth Entertainment. sincerity, Son of God.
2024-02-29 23:24:46
Hollywood does not know the definition of a good man even if he was standing right in front of him. everyone in this movie were either criminals or bad choice makers. you reap that which sow.
2024-02-23 23:22:57
Being a veteran I can appreciate this, Most of us just want to get home to our family and I have to deal with the b******* When we get back home .
2024-03-03 00:46:03
it was a good movie 🎬 I'm comparing this movie to blood and bone and it's almost as good but not quite
2024-02-27 04:13:49
ex military definitely would've been wearing Kevlar vest when they went in the gym for the fire fight. good movie
2024-02-25 22:22:58
combat brothers are stronger bonded than real blood brothers. I'm a Combat Veteran, 3 tours Iraq. miss and much love for all my boys that ate same sand as me.