Looper free movies

Looper - 2012

At the futuristic action thriller Looper, time traveling will be devised but it'll soon be available and illegal on the black market. When the mob would like to get rid of someone, they may ship their target 30 years into the past by which a looper like Joe is currently attempting to mop up. Joe is becoming rich and life is good until that the mob decides to close the loop, sending back the future self to get assassination of Joe.


2024-02-18 23:35:53
That far into the future and people still choose to listen to vinyl records. Sweet, and I thought I was the only one.
2024-04-10 21:05:23
this movie is pretty dam good
2023-11-17 21:40:13
i never would have guessed Joseph Gordon Levitt would have been a big movie star from a t.v star ⭐
2022-10-08 09:48:35
super. pelicula
2024-06-25 17:21:26
not all Bruce Willis movies are crap Hudson hawk now that was crap but not all of his
2024-03-08 07:01:29
where are subtitles for foreign movies?
2023-02-02 11:34:43
the rainmaker paradox