Marked for Death free movies

Marked for Death - 1990

Just retired from the Drug Enforcement Agency, John Hatcher contributes to his hometown and quickly discovers that drugs have infiltrated his old neighborhood. Determined to drive the dealers out, Hatcher crosses paths.


2023-04-18 13:32:17
except for under siege under siege to fire down below the glimmer Man hard to kill there's a bunch of other ones that he did I just can't remember him off the top of my head that were really really good but the newer ones seem to be the ones that really suck
2022-12-22 12:01:38
Everything Steven segal movie is awesome I like them all Specially hard to kill That is my favorite one at all of them
2023-04-18 13:31:29
I agree with Ricky hard to kill is one of my favorite movies as well five star I just wish Steven seagal would do another five-star movie all of his other movies unfortunately are all low budget and they suck
2023-08-01 19:39:01
this a good movie and I like how seven seaguel fight the people they mess with his family member that a cool dude I love him
2022-10-28 03:40:25
2024-03-01 15:42:13
I like this movie, but Steven seagal doesn't make movies like this one anymore! they really suck big time!
2024-04-12 05:40:54
Steven seagal playz a cop in every movie he make turns out he iz actually a police officer in real life
2024-02-03 09:24:01
Yeah this movie was good. Good actors, good street gang plot. One of my favorite movies by Steve.