Mid90s free movies

Mid90s - 2018

Stevie can be a about to explode. His mom is loving and careful, however a tad too intense. His big brother is just a bully that is taciturn and barbarous. So Stevie hunts his working-class Los Angeles suburb for somewhere to belong. He finds it at the Motor Avenue skate shop.


2023-01-03 10:28:39
this movie took me back to some good memories and some bad ones but all in all it was a great watch who wasent trying to find a place to fit in back then 👌
2023-02-02 12:44:00
i love this movie it shows how the older kids have an effect on the little ones
2022-12-24 12:37:23
good movie best era ever in hip hop and skate boarding!!!
2023-04-29 06:53:29
fuck shit got some real balls talking to Stevie's mama like that love this movie
2024-01-21 15:28:44
bro's a victim that's messed up that kind of made me want to stop watching but I guess I'm glad I didn't...
2023-04-11 05:14:46
no way bro kissing a girl bigger than him
2023-03-09 13:13:18
Poor Stevie abused by his own brother
2023-01-03 07:34:32
I have watched this movie 3 times ready and I love it every time