Mr. Destiny free movies

Mr. Destiny - 1990

Larry Burrows is unhappy and feels helpless. He believes that his entire life could have turned out differently had he missed that shot in a base ball game when was a young child. He meets with this man, who can alter his fate by offering him that alternative life he always dreamed of. But as Burrows embarks on the journey of selfdiscovery he realises that this new life has its problems and drawbacks. .


2023-06-30 06:02:31
saw this movie so long ago loved it then love it now. brings back memories
2024-04-21 11:42:30
This is a wonderful movie, that was ahead of its time.
2024-03-11 12:05:11
My all time favorite movie.
2022-12-19 08:01:25
I love 80s movies
2023-09-02 13:04:13
love this movie