Pet Sematary II free movies

Pet Sematary II - 1992

The"sematary" is up to its old zombie-raising tricks . This time, the protagonists are Jeff Matthews, whose mother perished in a Hollywood stage crash, and Drew Gilbert, a boy.


2023-07-14 08:14:36
love this movie 🎥🍿🍿🎥🍿🍿🎥🍿🍿🎥🍿
2023-06-11 00:58:02
drew has 2 dead people in his house now
2023-10-12 09:18:38
one of my favorite movies
2023-11-04 06:08:01
I still say they don't make movies like this anymore
2023-12-06 16:44:01
this is a good movie I love the part where he fries that bully's head until it blows up!
2023-09-19 11:37:54
Drewwwww buddy!!!!!!!
2023-08-07 05:49:19
my favorite movie
2023-08-05 08:38:21
unstoppable roach