Poltergeist III free movies

Poltergeist III - 1988

Carol Anne has been sent to live in an effort to cover up her from the clutches of their Reverend Kane, but he buys down her and terrorises her in her family members' appartment into a glass construction. Will he reach his target and then capture Carol Anne back, or will Tangina be able again, to encircle him?


2024-02-14 14:52:04
This is cool but the first 2 are something else. This was a cash grab when the studios did want to make it obvious that they were doing a cash grab.
2024-02-09 18:35:00
part 3 is really good just like part 1 and 2
2024-02-09 18:35:27
they do not make movies like this anymore
2024-04-05 19:03:06
who doesn't love poltergeist