Return of the Living Dead: Rave to the Grave free movies

Return of the Living Dead: Rave to the Grave - 2005

A college student creates and sells a drug called 'Z' on campus which resurrects the living dead, who wreak havoc at a Halloween rave.


2023-09-06 09:16:38
really why does everyone that post a comment on ever movie don't know how to spell how can people that can pay for this app have no education at all
2024-05-03 06:49:24
arguable the worst of the franchise. This is just marginally better than Necropolis
2023-10-27 15:17:00
is this movie supposed to be like the one from 1985
2023-09-18 09:59:11
yeah I give this movie 🍿🍿 a 10