Santa Claus: The Movie free movies

Santa Claus: The Movie - 1985

The first half of this film, place hundreds of years ago, shows how the man preferred to send toys to the world's children and who eventually became Santa Claus was awarded. The second half moves in to the modern age, in which the head elf, Patch, strikes from their or her own and falls in having a wicked toy manufacturer who would like to corner the marketplace and eradicate Santa Claus.


2022-11-22 07:41:30
I love this movie. I watch it every year where I can find it.
2023-11-12 03:27:54
one of my in my Granny favorite still i love this movie
2022-12-25 07:35:41
I like this m9vie also. I liked it since i was a kid
2023-12-09 05:08:41
good movie
2023-10-17 02:30:19
I love the movie it nice
2023-12-24 11:18:12
i love this holiday classic always
2022-12-09 13:29:15
Great movie
2023-12-10 01:00:53
love this movie