Scary or Die free movies

Scary or Die - 2012

The invention of filmmaker Michael Emanuel, SCARY OR DIE tells five star terror stories that take place in and about the"City of Angles". Craves the most. A winner and a cop wrong with a Necromancer. A lovely but mysterious woman and a lonely man searching for love in all the wrong places. A blood-splattered uprising of Mexican zombies. And also a Cajun conjurer grandfather whose present never-ending love goes terribly awry...SCARY OR DIE is a exceptional experience in terror film making sure to meet all your perverted horror movie experience requirements.


2022-10-24 09:45:25
dat was so funny
2023-06-10 11:05:49
Poor Asian guy just wanted a friend!
2023-08-09 07:07:40
ew it was dumb and ugly 🤡🤓
2023-09-23 02:43:08
so scary for my neace
2024-02-19 10:44:40
Oᕼ ᕼᙓᒐᒐ ᙁᗣᕼ
2022-07-28 08:42:01
2023-12-29 10:58:39
watching on December 28th 2023
2023-04-08 07:23:03