Soaked in Bleach free movies

Soaked in Bleach - 2015

Twenty years back, Kurt Cobain was found dead of an apparent gunshot wound to the head. The world was told it was a suicide, however evidence might lead folks to believe it might be otherwise. The film explores the possibilities which exist which Kurt Cobain's passing might not have been suicide, which the Seattle Police Department dashed their verdict, and also the worldwide media perpetuated lies and mis information fed into them Courtney Love which created the belief in most who Cobain killed himselfbut when demonstrated to be lies--lead many to now wonder what happened.


2023-10-17 08:49:34
I consider myself blessed to have grown up in the 90s and was exposed to such great music I really wish Kurt was still alive today
2022-11-16 03:58:22
I will follow on Kurt Cobain's foot steps 🖤love Cobain