Still Crazy free movies

Still Crazy - 1998

Unusual Fruit were it. They lived the rock lifestyle to the max, groupies, medication strain and also an ex man dead in an overdose. Their death has been glamorous. When the point struck on throughout an outdoor festival. 20 years on and those rock gods when the notion of a reunion tour has been lodged at the mind of Tony, former keyboard player of their Rings they have sunk deep into obscurity. Tony sets out to find his former band mates with the assistance of manager Karen to see whether they can recapture the magic plus give themselves a second chance.


2024-03-18 11:11:44
I love how they pay homage to all the great bands from the 70s like little feet and motley and the psychedelic fur especially first album I ever bought
2024-01-16 06:50:21
I love Bill nighy. this is such a cool movie. 8 out of 10
2024-01-16 08:35:39
I love this movie