Tarzan Finds a Son! free movies

Tarzan Finds a Son! - 1939

A couple perish in a plane crash in the jungle. Tarzan and Jane who name him raise and Boy him as their own finds their son. Five years later a search party comes to find the heir to tens of thousands of dollars. Jane agrees to lead them.


2023-12-14 11:43:02
🤔 The signature of Tarzan is the "Tarzan Yell." Almost anyone could play Tarzan if the wound get that right but no Tarzan wanna be has ever gotten it right. I always wait for yell of the copycats. When I hear that it's wrong I turn it off.
2023-12-14 09:28:12
🤔 This is the True Tarzan. 💯
2023-06-10 01:07:23
Johnny weissmuller the best tarzan