Terminator 2: Judgment Day free movies

Terminator 2: Judgment Day - 1991

Almost 10 years have passed since Sarah Connor was targeted for termination by a cyborg from the future. Now her son, John, the future leader of this opposition, is your goal of a wider, more deadly terminator. Once more, the opposition was able to send a protector back to attempt to save his mother Sarah and John.


2022-12-20 07:01:57
the last of the great terminator films. it's rare a sequel film is as good- if not BETTER than its predecessor T2 is among that rare exception
2023-01-18 01:11:25
yeah I know it's about 5 of them moviesbut I favor terminator 2 anyday I mean that particular one was the shit
2023-06-27 02:21:16
can somebody please help with $ 150 dollars for my grandma funeral I would appreciate it a lot and u can email me at michaelcreti435@gmail.com please help me with this is
2023-04-05 07:15:47
Glad you guys used the final extended cut. That alternate ending is Canon. I dare y'all to change my mind.
2023-03-29 13:39:39
one of my favorite movies been watching it since I was young
2024-04-06 07:04:01
Terminator Is The Greatest Franchise Ever !!! Regardless of Terminator Genysis being ruined by Emilia Clarke and Jai Courtney that jackass had the nerve to se play Jack McClane In A Good Day To Die Hard If he pops up In something like Tron I'll hate him for life
2023-10-07 16:25:03
watch this when I was a kid my dad introduced this Franchise to me went to the theater with my dad good memories Great 🎬 movie
2023-11-20 19:14:56
2023 comment best movie I almost cried I love this now r.i.p terminator he will be here forever🥹🙏🥹