The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford free movies

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford - 2007

Outlaw Jesse James is supposed to become the'fastest gun in the West'. An recruit in to James' notorious gang, jealous of this outlaw develops and, when his brother and Robert feel an opportunity to kill James, their murderous action hastens their target to close epic status.


2022-11-03 05:34:48
This is one of the best movies I've ever seen. Bob got what he deserved.
2024-03-28 23:50:20
I cried over Jessie... it was over 100 years ago but still I cry. I love this movie, is one of the best versions of Jesse James Brad Pitt did a good job and he's so sexy and handsome if I knew where Robert Ford was buried I'd probably spit and take a shit on his grave.
2023-04-26 13:47:09
One of the longest movie ever written...But a good movie...kudos
2024-01-28 10:24:44
the music in the movie relaxes me I've prolly watched this movie 50 times
2022-11-12 22:26:53
Brad Pitt is an awesome actor
2024-05-04 08:48:11
one of the best movies.. brad pitt is top 3 actors of all time
2023-06-18 13:19:41
good movie but boring 😴
2023-08-06 08:49:38