The Bastard Sons free movies

The Bastard Sons - 2024

Life for a crew of organized criminals is disrupted when Vincent Damiano's father, the family's boss, is murdered. Vincent's "bastard" brothers, a group of orphaned souls he raised together, have an idea of who killed their father...his partner Rome. In a valiant and calculated attempt to regain the business and enact vengeance on Rome, the Bastards wage an all-out war to get their pound of flesh.


2024-01-15 21:27:23
when somebody already took your movie title LMAO four Brothers
2024-01-22 04:15:39
Yooooooooo, that ambush with the shotguns was WICKED!!! DID YOU SEE THE DAMAGE TO HOMEBOYS FACE?!?!
2024-02-09 07:13:58
yeah it was a very decent movie I give it a six out of a 10 they had the one actor who actually played in decent movies if they just have more money in their budget it would have been a better film but overall it was all right
2024-03-01 11:39:13
MEDHUT needs to stop with all those 8 min game commercials!!! They mess up the movies!!!
2024-01-18 05:18:04
but it was good. yes it's just like brothers
2024-01-24 16:37:29
Lmfao🤣Amateur Hour Ctfu 😂Ig 🤔I Watched It🤨While Pushing The Fast Forward Button 🤣💯
2024-05-11 20:03:44
why is this still in CAM copy and been out for a while..🤦🏾‍♀️
2024-03-24 11:55:30
I have watched many of films depicting gangsters & this one had a great base but too much time was wasted on slo mo shots & starting shots. It could've been a great movie but I give it a 5 3/4 out of 10.