The Deep House free movies

The Deep House - 2021

While diving in a remote French lake, a couple of YouTubers who specialize in underwater exploration videos discover a house submerged in the deep waters. What was initially a unique finding soon turns into a nightmare when they discover that the house was the scene of atrocious crimes. Trapped, with their oxygen reserves falling dangerously, they realize the worst is yet to come: they are not alone in the house.


2023-06-27 05:44:39
They have clearly never seen a scary movie before! Rule 1 - Never remove the life-size crucifix blocking the door to secret room, inside an underwater house with weird paraphernalia in it!
2023-06-30 13:57:49
I read the comments prior to watching the movie....I have a few brain cells to waste so I'm diving in. Wish me luck.....
2023-01-24 03:33:22
it was alright her panicking the whole time pissed me off
2023-05-20 14:03:47
damn well the comments have me second guessing this movie but I figured I would check it out
2023-04-17 17:36:40
i think it was a good movie because it was under water
2022-10-22 21:25:03
I thought this was pretty damn good peeps
2023-07-10 12:50:29
I read all 31 comments. I guess I'll just dive in...
2023-07-12 03:52:52
lol this was comedy for a cool lil min then at 56 min it just got stupid but I'm invested now 🤷‍♀️