The Land Before Time XIII: The Wisdom of Friends free movies

The Land Before Time XIII: The Wisdom of Friendsโ€‚-โ€‚2007

After an episode which almost cost Littlefoot's grandma her entire life, Littlefoot finds a collection of lessons which his species call"Wisdoms". A trio of dim-witted Beipiaosauruses named Doofah Loofah and also Foobie arrive at the Great Valley and act in a peculiar manner towards Littlefoot and the gang. Littlefoot is set they learn that the"Wisdoms" and the journey to the one place the trio have wanted, Berry Valley, begins.


2022-10-03 06:15:45
this is not the movie in question at all its competely something else
2024-03-05 01:26:50
why is this the old series Dead Like Me??