The Lost Boys free movies

The Lost Boys - 1987

Her two teenage sons and A mother proceed to a nice and small coastal California town yet soon find out it's overrun by bike gangs and witches. A couple of teenage friends take it upon themselves to hunt the vampires down they guess of a couple of mysterious murders and reestablish calm and peace for their own town.


2023-09-07 12:32:00
this movie brings tears of joy...never will I forget this era of Time, wish I could relived these moment. fuck you fathertime
2023-03-31 10:01:59
You don't need a TV to watch this movie. All need is a subscription to TV Guide. That and some windex for a After Shave.
2023-02-13 10:10:45
i spent my childhood at that boardwalk with my grandparents
2022-11-28 17:32:03
my favorite vampire movie ever made
2023-03-17 10:44:02
Great movie and classic 👌 👍
2024-01-19 11:50:39
I tried to make you immortal...... you tried to make me a killer...🔥🔥🔥 my favorite line. seen this when I was 10. this movie go hard
2023-09-21 07:03:34
I used to watch this when I was real young. I loved it then and I love now .... GOOD MOVIE
2023-03-20 01:41:06
can't believe I had his hair cut in school