The Thundermans Return free movies

The Thundermans Return - 2024

Twins Phoebe and Max are enjoying their superhero lifestyle, but when one 'save' goes awry, the Thundermans are sent back to Hiddenville. While Hank and Barb enjoy their return, and Billy and Nora look forward to a normal high school life, Max and Phoebe are determined to regain their superhero status.


2024-03-08 21:40:05
This was actually better than I expected, didn't expect the V team to be the OG villains children but I thought it was very lame how easily the twins got captured by them.
2024-03-09 07:53:40
bro something made a movie and the show about Thunderman what if they make a movie about Henry danger
2024-03-11 03:34:56
I forgot how corny and cringe this show was💀 Brings back memories...😂
2024-03-29 13:44:47
I loved it it is a good movie but also I wish it was a show because I will get very sad when it is not here anymore but although this is a good movie and it is entertaining to watch them and also Chloe is so big now and she looks so cute good review
2024-03-09 20:53:32
a picture perfect family is what we try to be stay trouble we're living a nore more live
2024-03-10 07:38:53
this needs a series I would love it especially the five new heroes in Town especially Mrs Wong
2024-03-10 06:42:43
love to
2024-03-12 01:21:25
I love the thundermans I think you should make more.