The Vanishing free movies

The Vanishing - 1993

A new woman (Sandra Bullock) mysteriously disappears, sending her boyfriend Jeff (Kiefer Sutherland) to some years-long search to find her. Maybe not even a new love (Nancy Travis) will keep him away from his obsessive hunt. Even time, the calculating psychopath (Jeff Bridges) who kidnapped his girlfriend stems Jeff, eventually taking him throughout the exact same actions that resulted in the offense. In order to discover what happened, Jeff has to put their life in this devious stranger's hands.


2023-09-14 10:31:09
Love this movie! It didn't get the recognition it deserved....
2023-11-26 12:03:57
I too love this movie 🎬 it is underrated
2023-04-09 20:05:01
2023-07-14 05:48:21
good movie
2024-01-16 23:17:53
loved it