Two Evil Eyes free movies

Two Evil Eyes - 1990

Two terror segments primarily based on Edgar Allan Poe stories placed in and around the city of Pittsburgh. "The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar" concerns a cheating wife who is trying to scam her husband out of millions with her doctor/hypnotist lover hypnotize the geezer to signing his dough over to her. The old man dies while and can be stuck in the limbo between the here and the hereafter. The entranceway into the universe is opened and also the try to enter it. "Black Cat" is the narrative of Rodd Usher, an alcoholic photographer/artist, who descends into madness after he murdered a stray cat which his stay-at-home girl friend Annabelle attracts dwelling. One murder leads into a second, and also the coverups that are intricate begin.


2022-12-27 02:16:27
HELLOOOOOO?? the only FOOL watching this movie?!!?
2024-02-16 14:28:34
how can you not like this movie? It is a George A Romero movie! he was the king of horror, especially zombie movies!
2023-08-02 18:07:06
Not Bad