Vile free movies

Vile - 2011

A group of attractive young people (ofcourse ) wake to find themselves prisoners in a mystical house with no way of escape. They are equipped with accouterments --electronic devices connected to the bottom in the skulls--and also a recording on a television screen alarms them of their own task. In order to escape, one another and themselves must hurt. The chemicals that the brain produces when are accumulated by the apparatus, when it collects a predetermined sum, the doors will be opened. Neglect to accomplish it and everybody dies.


2022-12-19 06:52:50
This isnt the movie Vile. This is the netflix movie about Ted Bundy :(
2024-01-12 06:27:44
zac effron must be the Ted Bundy serial killer movie
2023-12-10 20:11:35
this is not the movie Vile
2024-05-01 20:05:17
wrong movie