Walden free movies


Walden Dean is a stenographer, whose mind witnessed all types of injustices in the courtroom. After discovering he has a terminal illness, repressed anger deep within him surfaces -- taking justice into his own hands in the most gruesome ways imaginable.


2023-12-23 14:28:53
I started this movie just to see what it's about and intended to watch it another time if it was good but I wasn't able to stop watching it! THAT WOMAN DETECTIVE WAS FINE AS HELL!!
2023-12-24 07:51:00
I can't believe it was the judge of all people but I knew that I called it before they even showed it I should be a detective.
2023-12-23 07:31:36
I can't stand his "method acting". it's like Leo DiCaprio trying to be Sling Blade
2023-12-20 22:18:31
2024-01-01 17:06:36
good movie for the new year, what they should do to all predators
2023-12-28 11:32:52
Not a horror flick by far but it was a very good movie good suspense good thriller some comedy all around great movie
2024-01-02 16:58:18
A little over the top!! Mr. Nice Guy suddenly goes vigilante Stay till the end to discover the real just of the movie and Mr. Nice Guy ain't it Oh : Spoiler: It's a New Year!!!
2023-12-23 08:12:13
refreshingly different..lol