Waves free movies

Waves - 2019

The epic emotional journey of a suburban African-American family — led by a well-intentioned but domineering father — as they navigate love, forgiveness and coming together in the aftermath of a loss.


2023-06-26 15:28:03
this was so sad but also so good. Alexis ending was so heart breaking.. But then showing Emily's life was a nice way to go further into the movie, esp if the 2 main characters def weren't coming back. 8.5/10 movie, I love it.
2024-03-22 11:29:12
i can't even get passed the begging because all the music and the talking and starting the plot at the same time just makes it a mess. this director needs to learn simplicity
2024-02-23 19:26:49
this movie hit deep on sm levels bro
2024-06-17 09:51:15
this is a decent Sunday morning movie but I'm pissed I spent the last movie of my night on this shit I have to prepare for work so this was my last movie of the night and I am pissed what waste of time
2023-11-14 20:58:17
I loved this movie
2024-05-26 19:55:15
The dad pissed me off so bad like damn let him be
2023-06-24 01:02:19
boring movie