What's Love Got to Do with It free movies

What's Love Got to Do with It - 1993

A film about the singer Tina Turner and she climbed to stardom and she got the courage to break loose.


2023-01-16 04:17:57
I love this movie I don't like where he beat her though but she got him back boy yes she did
2023-05-29 13:38:24
I love her, I would love to see the rest of her life....her solo career was the best and her second marriage...what a story that would be
2023-04-15 15:00:02
I saw what's love gotta do with it in 93 and 30 years later it's still a great movie...
2023-05-27 04:10:48
every time I see this movie. I can't believe what she went through. rest in peace Tina Turner.
2023-06-01 11:39:07
love this movie, my favorite Lawrence Fishburn movie. I want everyone to know this is not an actual depiction of Ike Turner it's just a movie. this movie does nothing for the image of this great man "Google, Judge Joe brown on Ike and Tina " he knew them.
2023-04-17 10:07:31
I love this movie. Some parts are hard to watch, but it's a great movie. The actors did well.
2023-12-21 06:22:51
I adored Tina and love Angela so this was fantastic to rewatch over and over. Tina passing was so sad to hear and I still say she had the best legs in the business. Ike was NOTHING without her and he knew it. She was THE talent, he was just a user, of her as well as the drugs.
2023-05-26 12:20:54
R. I. p legend!!! thank u for all that u taught us women with your story!!!!!